Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Leaders in training / United Nations / Future Situations

It is proven that every war has produced leaders for the political arena; of those leaders and hand full have found the office of the President. In fact over 60 percent of our 43 Presidents had served this country honorably in military service. At the conclusion of each major conflict there is a new batch of former military personal injected into the political arena. As a side note, very few of the former military personnel that enter into the political world were in high command positions.
Iraq and Afghanistan will be no different when it comes to its share of additions of politicians. In this instance there is a future President in training out there in the Middle East, working with Arabic people on the ground in this traumatic war. This is the necessary training for a President who will have to work with the Middle Eastern countries on behalf of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), and the E.U. (European Union). Its not that countries from these organizations can not deal with the Middle East, but when a situation arises where there is a serious conflict of interest, we are called in to help negotiate the situation. It does not help that most of the countries in the Middle East are members of the U.N., and refuse to acknowledge the rules set by the U.N. This is possible due to friendships established with China and the Russian Federation, both hold very influential positions when it comes to punishing anyone in the world with a sanction, or even requiring nuclear inspectors. Irony holds us to these organizations, we pay for NATO to exist, we pay for the UN to exist, even though every country pays an annual due, no country pays like ours with an average of 3 billion dollars a year to support the UN (not counting side projects that the UN asks money for), the next highest paying nation is Germany with a paltry 150 million, (which might I add congress spends in one hour when in session on pet projects). The UN constantly holds everything back in unnecessary procedure and different nations regularly make deals under the table and behind our back that undermine honest objectives. Corruption and division keeps the U.N. from completing its objective. We pay for this and when we attempt to change it, we are publicly mocked and openly criticized by not only those who dislike the United States but by even our closest friends. In the world today there are no Allies, but instead the ideals that guide nations are broken down to interests.
A President will emerge from the Iraq War to lead us into the rockiest path this country has ever known. The Situation with Iran is becoming increasingly strained, and due to a lack of action from the U.N. Iran will become a full member of the nuclear armed community, they have already stated that countries like Israel need to be wiped off the face of the earth. Also Iran aids militants who are out to kill Americans no mater where they are, they have done this long before the Iraq War. The Russian Federation and China supports Iran, they do this by selling them military hardware, U.N. votes, and area influence. This situation will become so volatile that either a war will emerge from it, or an over throw of the government by the people of Iran, who might I add are in the majority when it comes to opposing their leaders.
Then we have our old adversary North Korea, time and again they have pulled stunts to get more resources for their country, but they are trying to convince South Korea to break down the boarder and have just one Korea. One Korea would be nice for the people, except that those in power in the North will not give up their power and look only to expand their domain. The scary part is that their campaign is working, and they have convinced many South Koreans that we are the bad guys and openly say that they hate Americans. These are the people we fought for and have guarded their boarders for decades. North Korea will try something more dramatic and it will lead to either War, or a dramatic change of government, but probably not an overthrow as the people in North Korea are so brainwashed into an obey everything attitude. The only ones allowed to think are the leaders both military and political, but even they are only allowed to explore thoughts to a certain degree.
Then there is China. We harbor a 36 billion dollar a year debt in trade to the Chinese. Even though our economy can sustain this for an extend amount of time, it is not fair to Americans. We are now starting to see the problems with a Communist country that is wielding limited capitalist ideals. The products we are importing from China are beginning to fail in quality; this is directly connected to the greedy corruption that is deeply established within the Chinese government. So we will begin to restrict trade or engage tariffs that will severely irritate the Chinese and also cause them to have a short fall when it comes to their economy. We have long speculated that China has purposefully tampered with their money to make their economy look strong and their trading powers look weak. The problem we have is that if China falls into a recession then it will effect the E.U. economy which will in turn strike ours, like dominos. China will look to acquire more resources by either compromising on trade or gaining it by taking it. This could mean Taiwan, Siberia, or anywhere for that mater.
The leader to take us through this will have to be a well educated military veteran. This is so he or she will understand first hand chaotic situations that would endue panic to anyone else. They will have the discipline and knowledge to help negotiate the deals that will prevent wars and defuse these ticking bombs.

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